Illness or Accident at School
In case of an accident requiring the services of a doctor, we request that parents keep us informed of any changes of address or phone numbers. We will make every effort to contact a parent before the child is taken to a doctor. If it is necessary for a student to go home because of illness, contagious health problem, or injury, the parent or person listed on the emergency card (if the parent cannot be contacted) will be requested to pick the child up in the office. Please remember that we cannot keep a seriously ill child at school. In the event of a serious illness or accident, an administrator will:
- Contact parents when possible.
- Contact other authorized persons listed on the child’s emergency card, if possible.
- Contact child’s physician if above persons cannot be reached.
- In extreme emergencies, an ambulance will be called, and the child will be taken directly to the hospital. The parents will be contacted. An administrator will be with the child at all times.
As you can see, it is ESSENTIAL that contact numbers be CURRENT so parents or their designated substitute can be contacted immediately for decisions regarding illness or injury. If parents have special requests for the emergency plan for their child, they should contact the school office.